Lufthansa Systems News– tag –
BBN Airlines Indonesia signs multi-year agreement for Lido Solutions
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Singapore's Aircraft Flight Simulators reach new heights with Lido FMS
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Frontier Airlines relies on industry-leading charting solution
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Airlink opts for various Lido Solutions
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4. Lido User Group Konferenz findet 2023 in Berlin statt
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4th Lido User Group Conference 2023 in Berlin
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Flightradar24 wählt Lido Sky Data für Flugtrackingdienste
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Flightradar24 chooses Lido Sky Data for flight tracking services
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2. Lufthansa Systems Entwicklerkonferenz
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2nd Lufthansa Systems Developer Conference
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Extended partnership with Aerolíneas Argentinas for Lido Flight 4D and NetLine/Load with NL/Load RampMobile
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Unsere Schedule-Management-Lösung wird Standard in der Lufthansa Group
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Our Schedule-Management-Solution becomes the standard for the Lufthansa Group
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Kooperation mit OpenJaw Technologies zur Entwicklung einer End-to-End-Lösung für den Offer- and Order-Prozess
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Cooperation with OpenJaw Technologies to create an end-to-end Offer and Order Process Solution
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Stefanie Neumann komplettiert Doppelspitze
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Stefanie Neumann completes dual management set-up
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Erfolgreiche Frauen in einer männerdominierten Branche
Lernen Sie Reema Shah kennen, eine leitende Projektmanagerin in der Luftfahrt-IT-Branche bei Lufthansa Systems...このサイトの記事を見る -
Successful women in a male-dominated industry
Meet Reema Shah, a senior project manager in the aviation IT industry at Lufthansa Systems...このサイトの記事を見る -
Korean Air manages entire network scheduling with SchedConnect