N913AK– category –
Alaska Airlines commits to carbon, waste and water goals for 2025, announces path to net zero by 2040
Alaska Airlines today announced its commitment and roadmap to reduce the company’s carbon emissions to net-zero by 2040, and commitments across carbon, waste, and water impacts by 2025. Today...このサイトの記事を見る -
Boeing and Alaska Airlines finalize order for 737 MAX jets
Boeing and Alaska Airlines have announced the companies have completed an agreement for 23 737-9 airplanes and 15 options. With this agreement, the carrier’s 737 MAX order book, including options and ...このサイトの記事を見る -
アラスカ航空、737MAX初受領 3月の就航前に5週間訓練
アラスカ航空(ASA/AS)は現地時間1月25日、ボーイング737-9型機(737 MAX 9)の初号機(登録記号N913AKを受領したと発表した。14日にシアトルのボーイング・フィールドにあるボーイング・デリバリー・ […]...このサイトの記事を見る -
Alaska Airlines takes delivery of its first Boeing 737 MAX 9, N913AK
Alaska Airlines on January 24, 2021 quietly took delivery of its first Boeing 737 MAX 9 when the pictured N913AK (msn 44079, ln 7598) (top) relocated from the Boeing Delivery Center at Boeing Field (B...このサイトの記事を見る