未分類– category –
BAMBOO AIRWAYS JSC. (QH) PNRシンクロナイゼーション機能を稼働
本日BAMBOO AIRWAYS JSC. (QH)のPNRシンクロナイゼーション機能を稼働いたしました。◎ PNRシンクロナイゼーション機能航空会社にてPNRを更新・変更等の操作を加えた際、操作内容を旅行会社のオリジナルPNRへ自動反映致します。反映内容は以下となります。... -
Delta family takes fresh inspiration from 40th birthday of famed Spirit of Delta 767 aircraft
The Spirit of Delta takes on new significance as Delta launches a fundraising campaign to ensure the long-term health of its employee assistance fund, known as the Delta Care Fund. The Spirit of Givin...このサイトの記事を見る -
Wichtiger Meilenstein im Bereich Air Traffic Management (ATM)
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Significant milestone in the Air Traffic Management (ATM) domain
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IT Lösung für den Bodenbetrieb von Airlines mit optimierten Funktionen vorgestellt
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Airline ground operations solution presented with optimized features
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台湾観光局が若年層日本人旅行客に向けた アフターコロナの観光プロモーションで日本企業と協力
台湾を訪れる日本人旅行客は 2019 年には新記録となる延べ 217 万人に達しており、アジア各国と日本人旅行客の獲得を競い合う状況のなか、野村総合研究所(台湾)(以下 NRI 台湾と略)は台湾観光局委託のもと、アフターコロナにおける日本人の海外旅行市... -
外国人観光客にポストコロナの台湾で安心、安全、リラックスの旅をポストコロナのインバウンド市場を見据え、外国人観光客に中南部の観光スポットを訪れ、多種多様な台湾の観光要素を体験してもらおうと、交通部観光局は「外国人観光客台湾新幹線2名分の同... -
Delta introduces 2023 guidance for $5 to $6 in adjusted earnings per share on path to 2024 financial targets, increases December quarter outlook
Delta is delivering on key operational and commercial milestones and is ahead of its financial plan for the first year of the airline’s three-year plan, established last December.Executing on th...このサイトの記事を見る -
Delta issues travel waiver due to forecasted weather in Rockies and Northern Plains
Due to forecasted weather in the Rockies and Northern Plains, Delta has issued a travel waiver for those who may be impacted effective December 12 – 13, 2022. Due to forecasted weather in the Ro...このサイトの記事を見る -
Delta issues travel waiver ahead of Belgium industrial action
In preparation for a planned industrial action in Belgium, Delta and its joint venture partner KLM have issued a travel waiver for all customers traveling to and from Brussels.This waiver will assist ...このサイトの記事を見る -
Journey to Old Havana again: Delta resumes service to Cuba in spring 2023
Delta Air Lines is restarting its service to Havana, Cuba, with two daily nonstop flights from Miami International Airport (MIA) beginning April 10, 2023. With this restart, customers traveling throug...このサイトの記事を見る -
Delta wraps 2022 with top honors from The Points Guy, Popular Science and others
Delta has led the industry again this year with its outstanding customer service, massive investments in infrastructure and operational efficiency.Delta continues to be recognized for its efforts in m...このサイトの記事を見る -
20-jährige Partnerschaft mit Singapore Airlines
Lufthansa Systems und Singapore Airlines feiern 20 Jahre Partnerschaft und Scoot’s Migration zu Lido Flight 4D...このサイトの記事を見る -
20-year partnership with Singapore Airlines
Lufthansa Systems and Singapore Airlines celebrate successful 20-year partnership and Scoot’s migration to the Lido Flight 4D System...このサイトの記事を見る -
Earn your wings: Delta now accepting flight attendant applications
On the heels of a record-setting year of hiring, Delta will keep the momentum going in 2023 with the addition of over 4,000 flight attendants. Interested candidates can now apply.On the heels of a rec...このサイトの記事を見る -
メールマガジン「ディスカバー台湾 通信Vol.30」が発行されました。今号では台湾における冬至の過ごし方や、台北から少し足を伸ばして訪れる金山で楽しめる街歩きやグルメ、温泉など様々なトピックをご紹介しております。今号もぜひご覧ください。ディス... -
A look ahead for Delta Sky Club: Updates, launches and expansions
After a banner year of Delta Sky Club openings and expansions across Delta's network in 2022 that resulted in a record number of visits, the airline is changing some of the ways customers can access C...このサイトの記事を見る -
Delta Air Lines to host Financial Outlook and Strategic Update on Dec. 14, 2022
Delta Air Lines (NYSE:DAL) will host a Financial Outlook and Strategic Update in New York on Dec. 14, 2022, from 10 a.m. to noon ET. The day will include prepared remarks from Delta’s CEO, Presi...このサイトの記事を見る -
LATAM, Delta announce non-stop service between São Paulo and LAX as Joint Venture’s 1st new market
LATAM will be the only airline operating a nonstop flight between Brazil and Los Angeles, where customers will have connections to the Delta hub's most popular destinations on the West Coast of the Un...このサイトの記事を見る