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Delta TechOps employees brighten holidays with 750 bikes for kids through Marine Toys for Tots
Submitted by Judy Graham-Weaver on Dec 10, 2020 5:12pm. Bikes TechOps 2020 Toys for Tots with Santa Delta’s Technical Operations team in Atlanta...このサイトの記事を見る -
JTBオンラインセミナー 『台湾~観たい!知りたい!食べたい!』開催のご案内
台湾観光局では、この度JTBが企画、主催する台湾オンラインセミナーに協賛、ゲスト出演することになりました。いつも台湾を応援してくださる皆様に、台湾現地の情報をJTBがオンラインを通じて発信するという主旨に協賛し、台湾観光局東京事務所としても、... -
Delta a founding member of OneTen: Coalition supporting 1 million jobs for Black Americans over 10 years
Submitted by Staff Writer on Dec 10, 2020 8:12am. Diversity hands illustration OneTen will create 1 million jobs for Black Americans over 10 ye...このサイトの記事を見る -
Delta unveils COVID-free flight schedule to the Netherlands
Submitted by Staff Writer on Dec 09, 2020 1:12pm. Delta KLM Delta has unveiled the schedule for its dedicated COVID-tested flights from Atlanta ...このサイトの記事を見る -
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Control your travel plans: Delta eliminates international change fees, adds more flexibility to new tickets
Submitted by Staff Writer on Dec 09, 2020 9:12am. aircraft1.jpg Permanent elimination of change fees for Delta tickets when flying from North Am...このサイトの記事を見る -
SC 13G/A: An amendment to the SC 13G filing
American Airlines Group Inc....このサイトの記事を見る -
INFINI LINX PLUS バージョンアップ ホテルGUI、Profile GUIの新規リリー
2020年12月8日(水)に『INFINI LINX PLUS』をバージョンアップし、ホテルGUI、Profile GUIをリリース致しました。下記以外にも複数の新機能をリリースしておりますので、是非この機会にINFINI LINX PLUSの最新バージョンへのバージョンアップをお願い致し... -
Delta and Coca-Cola team up to broaden your holiday horizons
To close out a challenging 2020, Delta and Coca-Cola are joining forces to end the year on a hopeful note and bring the world a little closer together this holiday season.Throughou...このサイトの記事を見る -
Delta recognized as world’s best-performing airline of past 10 years by Decade of Airline Excellence Awards
Delta was recognized as the world’s best-performing airline of the past 10 years, as well as the top North American airline, by the judges in the Decade of Airline Excellence Award...このサイトの記事を見る -
2020年12月8日(木)、当社の情報配信サイトのINFINI FOREST内にて、フライト毎に異なる機材やクラスに応じた航空各社のコロナ対策情報が検索可能となりました。<コロナ対策情報の検索・表示イメージ>「便名」「区間」「出発日」「クラス」を指定するこ... -
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8-K: Report of unscheduled material events or corporate event
American Airlines Group Inc. | AMERICAN AIRLINES, INC....このサイトの記事を見る -
Delta and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines to offer COVID-tested flights from Atlanta to Amsterdam
Submitted by Staff Writer on Dec 04, 2020 10:12am. Delta KLM Trans-Atlantic partners Delta Air Lines and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines are launching ...このサイトの記事を見る -
8-K: Report of unscheduled material events or corporate event
American Airlines Group Inc. | AMERICAN AIRLINES, INC....このサイトの記事を見る -
Delta brings proven COVID-19 vaccine transport capabilities to shipments across the globe
Submitted by Staff Writer on Dec 03, 2020 10:12am. Vaccine Shipments Delta has proven capabilities for transporting COVID-19 vaccines after succ...このサイトの記事を見る -
Delta brings proven COVID-19 vaccine transport capabilities to shipments across the globe
Submitted by Staff Writer on Dec 03, 2020 10:12am. Vaccine Shipments Delta has proven capabilities for transporting COVID-19 vaccines after succ...このサイトの記事を見る -
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Delta launches industry’s first contact tracing for travelers returning to U.S.
Submitted by Staff Writer on Dec 03, 2020 9:12am. Plexiglass at Delta gate By sharing five simple pieces of information, customers can help U.S....このサイトの記事を見る